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Wednesday 19 October 2011

Pinoy Burger Steaks

The Brits may call this "Swedish Meatballs" and the Americans call it "Salisbury Steaks", I prefer to call it as what we are used to..."The Burger Steak". The cooking method varies depending on what tools and equipment are usually at hand, and in the Philippines, most household doesn't have ovens used for braising, baking, roasting and the like.  Although this really tastes good when done in the oven, cooking on a stove top is just as good and makes this recipe doable in every household.

This is an all-time family favorite and can be serve with rice/ potato fries/ mashed potatoes & some steamed vegetables. Again, what the Brits may call "Old-style Chips", is what Americans call "Potato Fries" and what Pinoy calls "The French Fries".  Is this really of French origin? But, French or not I'd like to super size this for my burger steaks!

Serves 6

500 g         Minced Beef
100 g         Button Mushroom,  sliced thinly
1 cup         Bread crumbs (from a stale loaf)
1 large       Onion, chopped finely
1 pc           Egg
1 Tbsp       Soy sauce
1 Tbsp       Cracked Black Peppercorns
1 tsp          Salt
1 can         Campbell's Mushroom Soup (or a packet version in powdered form will do)
1 cup         Water
1 Tbsp      Cooking Oil

In a large bowl, combine beef, bread crumbs, onion, egg, soy sauce, pepper, salt and 1/4 can of the mushroom soup. Use your hands in mixing this, I will never tell...mix thoroughly until well combined. Then cover with a cling film and refrigerate for 5-10 minutes, just to let it set and it will be easier to form into patties.

Divide mixture into 6 portions and form patties.

In a pan or skillet, heat the cooking oil (medium-high heat) and sear/pan-grill patties until brown on sides. This will only take a few minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.

Now, on the same pan saute sliced mushrooms until soft and brown on the edges.  Add the remaining mushroom soup and water, then stir until well combined. Bring this to a simmer, reduce heat to low and then add the patties including the juices that came with it. Stir well, making sure the patties get all nice and coated. Cover and simmer for 8-10minutes.

Note: You can make meatballs instead of patties if you prefer, this is a simple recipe that can come a long way!

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